I know many of you remember how crazy I was about Star Wars. That would be the very first Star Wars. That would be the only one I really loved. I also liked Return of the Jedi. But, never liked Empire Strikes Back (too dark and unresolved...since obviously it was the tie-in between the two others). And I wasn't real crazy about Phantom Menace (although I liked it more than most people...and that pod race was pretty cool!). But, absolutely DEPLORED the other prequels. Horrible! A pox on whoever made those movies!
Many of you teased me, wondered about me, scoffed at me and worried about me...because of my love of Star Wars. I did see it at least 20 times in the first year (lost track after 20). Yes, a tad strange...but, I was obviously not the only one who felt this kind of affinity towards this movie! I thought...with the 40th anniversary...that I would try to explain the feelings around that time of my life...which began in 1977.
I was wearing bib overalls. All the rage. Dark blue jean bib overalls, a yellow and white striped shirt underneath...and my wooden healed wedge sandals. I thought I looked cool. I'm sure I didn't. Besides being all of 14 years old, nerdy and with braces...how cool could I be? I was with my friend Jill Wanstreet (and I have no idea what she was wearing)! But, we always managed to have fun together...and this time was no different.
But, let me back up as to how and why my friend Jill and I arrived at this day. My older SISTER Jill had seen Star Wars right after it came out (May of 77) with her husband in Denver (they lived down there while he was attending seminary). She told me that I just HAD to see this movie and that I HAD to see it in Denver at the Cooper Theater. The Cooper was the biggest theater in Denver back then. It was on Colorado Boulevard...it was a Cinerama Theater...the theater was round and the screen was huge and curved.
I hope some of you got to go to this glorious theater...it was razed in 1994 to put in a Barnes and Noble. What a travesty! A pox on them too!! What a treasure it would be to still be able to see movies in that venue. I feel forever blessed for this experience.
Now...back to my Star Wars experience! My sister said I must come down to Denver...so, my friend Jill and I planned a weekend night at my sister's place and to see this new movie that had just come out. We knew very little about it. There was buzz for sure...but, at that age...and with no social media...no immediate reviews...just the newspaper and TV...we didn't know much. But, we were game. So, my sister and her husband dropped these two geeky, gawky 14 and 16 year old girls off at this big city theater. My sister had instructed us on what to do. The first line we had to get into was the ticket line. After standing in that (for about 2 hours), we then moved to the seating line (another hour). I thought we'd NEVER get in! My friend and I somehow managed to entertain each other. Then, once we were inside...my sister said we must RUN to the stairs and get seats in the balcony. They had seen the movie this way and said it was a better experience to be up high in those balcony seats. So, of course when the rope was lifted to let everyone into the theater...it was a mad rush! My friend Jill was pushing me...into several people! But, we made our way up there...I was so nervous about finding two seats together in a 'good spot'. I remember even sitting ON the woman next to the seat in such a rush to sit down!
That was it. We made it...in to see this movie that we really had NO idea about what to expect. And then the curtains parted (yes, the Cooper had actual velvet curtains)...and there it was...the 20th Century Fox logo and theme song...(you know it!). And then...the STAR WARS THEME (you know that too! And I bet are humming it now!). And that opening crawl...well, if you haven't seen it (there is something wrong with you)...but, if you haven't...I can't explain it. It was just awesome. And even though we had no clue what that crawl was talking about the first time...it was AWESOME! And then to see that first Empire battle ship fly on the screen...wow! That moment...that impeccable, unique moment was a SCENE I had never SEEN before! Again...if you've seen it...you know what I mean! Ya just know what I'm talkin' about!!! If you didn't get to see this on the big screen the first time...I'm sad for you...
I knew this was something special. Then...the movie. The story - a phenomenal good vs. evil tale. The characters - interesting, funny and good looking! Even the wookie (Chewbacca...my all-time favorite)was adorable! (I still have my stuffed Chewbacca from Xmas '77!) And those droids - so loveable! And of course the three main stars Mark Hamill, Carrie Fisher and Harrison Ford...greatest casting ever! As usual...I loved the blonde - Luke, and my friend liked the brunette - Han. Thank goodness! That always worked out well for us...so we didn't 'fight' over which guy was 'ours'! Luke was alllll mine! And of course, the bad guys were really bad...Darth Vader! What about the cantina? It was all great!
So, when the movie ended...on a very high, inspirational note...I turned to my friend Jill..and we both just had tears in our eyes (yes Jill...you did! I wasn't the only nerd who loved it!!). It was just the most incredible experience. A wonderful, feel-good movie. And soooo unique. Just so very, very special.
I guess that's all I can do to help people understand the phenomenon. And why it was such a special movie to me. And it was such a special time for me. I loved the movie. I loved that I saw it in Denver in that wonderful theater. I loved that I saw it with my best friend. I loved Luke and all the characters! I loved 1977...that was actually my favorite summer ever. I loved the music that summer...it was a true coming of age time for me. I was about to turn 15...so for my birthday I wanted to take some friends to Denver to see STAR WARS! I wanted them to experience what I experienced! So, my mom drove me and 4 unsuspecting friends to the Cooper Theater (my mom was unsuspecting too!). Of course I instructed them that we must RUN to the stairs and head to the balcony for the best seats. So , the minute the rope lifted we all ran! And this is a memory that my mother would still talknabout and woukd quote, "You said run for the stairs...we have to beat everyone"...And then she said she turned around...and there was no one behind us! Ok...this was August 27th and by then the allure had worn off just a little. But, still...we HAD to get those great seats! And we did. And my friends liked it (I think). Maybe my mom kind of liked it too. But, probably none of them as much as me!! No, probably not.
So, my rep as a true Star Wars geek was cemented. I was teased, laughed at...but, it was nothing new for me. I've been teased and laughed at all my life for things I love, wear, do or believe in! It was a fitting thing for me to love this movie. And I saw it numerous times that year. Several dates took me to see it...or I took them! (If you wanted to date Jody Olsen...you had to take her to see Star Wars!). Actually, only one boyfriend refused that offer (you know who you are!). His loss...?? I made everyone who hadn't seen it...go with me to see it!
I took my mom and dad (dad said he stuffed pieces of napkin in his ears cuz it was too loud!). My brother took me and a friend to it on New Year's Eve 1977. By this time it had moved to the Continental Theater off of Hampden (I'm not sure when it moved there...but, maybe it played at the Cooper about six months and then moved to Continental for another six?). That was not as great of a theater...but, still pretty big and nice. I do know Star Wars was playing in the theater for over a year. Remember this was pre any sort of rentals or streaming obviously...so, it had to be shown in the theater. And people (like me) wanted to see it over and over! In the Denver Post there was an ad with a birthday cake saying, "Happy one-year birthday to Star Wars! (And I have the clipping of that somewhere in one of my Star Wars scrapbooks!)
The phenomenon of the first Star Wars was almost inexplicable. But, as I said...I was not the only one who felt the allure. And to see the millions of faithful fans that continue to love it as the 38 1/2 years have passed...the children of people my age who also love it...and even their children now!?! (My sister's boys were in love with the movie...I guess the geekiness got passed on to them!) Who can explain it? Was it like a religious experiece? (Jedi is a religion to some!) Or was it just the sheer joy it brought? Or just the fact that it was so different and so well-made? Who knows?! I just do know that it has endured!
Remember...the Force will be with you ALWAYS!!